Google, Software Engineer - Mountain View, CA

OCT 2018 - MAR 2023
  • Led full-stack implementation of and launched web application used by 3.5K+ users for in-context linguistic review of 50+ localized Google products across 87+ languages.
  • Built the web platform used by 200+ Google product teams to manage localization into 150+ languages, translating 100M+ words each year.
  • Performed 1000+ code reviews for 100K+ lines of code, upholding code quality for Java and Protobuf.
  • Mentored new employees, focusing on developing technical skills and finding teams matching interests and career goals.
  • Conducted 15+ technical interviews for engineering and management roles.
  • Built Angular components used company-wide.

Google, Solutions Engineer - Mountain View, CA

JUL 2017 - OCT 2018
  • Improved localization quality and decreased translation costs for Google products through the deployment of custom Machine Translation (MT) models and integration with third-party MT APIs.
  • Ensured timely resolution of bugs and feature requests for localization web platform by triaging tickets and coordinating with Product Managers and Engineers to prioritize and facilitate deployment of changes.
  • Saved 500+ engineering hours monthly by organizing and leading org-wide Fixit weeks, addressing tech debt and fostering team culture.

Google, Software Engineering Intern - Mountain View, CA

JUN 2016 - AUG 2016
  • Improved stability of Flashrom, a utility to read and write flash memory in Chrome OS, by developing a new testing framework to validate read/write and write-protect functionality and perform endurance testing.

Northrop Grumman, Intern - Annapolis Juction, MD

MAY 2015 - AUG 2015
  • Prototyped system that utilized Software Defined Networking to defend trusted machines by creating dynamic networks of virtual machines to prevent accurate reconnaissance of the network.
  • Conducted vulnerability analysis on Android phones using Android Debug Bridge (adb) tools.


University of Maryland, B.S. Computer Engineering - College Park, MD

AUG 2013 - MAY 2017
  • GPA: 3.87
  • Honors College



Bash, C, C++, HTML, Java, JavaScript, Protobufs, Python, SQL, Typescript


Angular, gRPC, Polymer, React, RxJS, Spanner


Certified Scrum Master (ScrumAlliance)